Nym Node Setup & Run

This documentation page provides a guide on how to set up and run a NYM NODE, along with explanations of available flags, commands, and examples.

Current version

Binary Name:        nym-node
Build Timestamp:    2024-07-24T12:42:21.113245699Z
Build Version:      1.1.5
Commit SHA:         cc25fc1f325095c9d79d2e836f1f3f73f28b471d
Commit Date:        2024-07-24T12:38:25.000000000Z
Commit Branch:      develop
rustc Version:      1.79.0
rustc Channel:      stable
cargo Profile:      release


Migrating an existing node to a new nym-node is simple. The steps are documented below.


If you are a nym-mixnode or nym-gateway operator and you are not familiar with the binary changes called Project Smoosh, you can read the archived Smoosh FAQ page.


Any syntax in <> brackets is a user’s unique variable. Exchange with a corresponding name without the <> brackets.

To run a new node, you can simply execute the nym-node command without any flags. By default, the node will set necessary configurations. If you later decide to change a setting, you can use the -w flag.

The most crucial aspect of running the node is specifying the --mode, which can be one of three: mixnode, entry-gateway, and exit-gateway.

Currently the nym-node binary can only be run in a single --mode at any one time. In the future however, operators will be able to specify multiple modes that a single nym-node binary can run. Our goal is to have as many nodes as possible enabling multiple modes, and allow the Nym API to position the node according the network’s needs in the beginning of each epoch.

Every exit-gateway mode is basically an entry-gateway with NR (Network Requester) and IPR (IP Packet Router) enabled. This means that every exit-gateway is automatically seen as an entry-gateway but not the opposite.

Gateway operators can check out the node performance, connectivity and much more in our new tool harbourmaster.nymtech.net.

To determine which mode your node is running, you can check the :8080/api/v1/roles endpoint. For example:

# sustitude <NODE_IP_ADDRESS> or <NODE_DOMAIN> with a real one
# for http
# or

# for reversed proxy/WSS

Everything necessary will exist on your node by default. For instance, if you’re running a mixnode, you’ll find that a NR (Network Requester) and IPR (IP Packet Router) address exist, but they will be ignored in mixnode mode.

For more information about available endpoints and their status, you can refer to:

# sustitude <NODE_IP_ADDRESS> or <NODE_DOMAIN> with a real one
# for http
# or

# for reversed proxy/WSS


Help Command

There are a few changes from the individual binaries used in the past. For example by default run command does init function as well, local node --id will be set by default unless specified otherwise etcetera.


You can always use --help flag to see the commands or arguments associated with a given command.

Run ./nym-node --help to see all available commands:

./nym-node --help output:

Usage: nym-node [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  build-info           Show build information of this binary
  bonding-information  Show bonding information of this node depending on its currently selected mode
  node-details         Show details of this node
  migrate              Attempt to migrate an existing mixnode or gateway into a nym-node
  run                  Start this nym-node
  sign                 Use identity key of this node to sign provided message
  help                 Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Path pointing to an env file that configures the nym-node and overrides any preconfigured values [env: NYMNODE_CONFIG_ENV_FILE_ARG=]
          Flag used for disabling the printed banner in tty [env: NYMNODE_NO_BANNER=]
  -h, --help
          Print help
  -V, --version
          Print version

To list all available flags for each command, run ./nym-node <COMMAND> --help for example ./nym-node run --help:

./nym-node run --help output:

Start this nym-node

Usage: nym-node run [OPTIONS]

      --id <ID>
          Id of the nym-node to use [env: NYMNODE_ID=] [default: default-nym-node]
      --config-file <CONFIG_FILE>
          Path to a configuration file of this node [env: NYMNODE_CONFIG=]
          Explicitly specify whether you agree with the terms and conditions of a nym node operator as defined at <https://nymtech.net/terms-and-conditions/operators/v1.0.0> [env: NYMNODE_ACCEPT_OPERATOR_TERMS=]
          Forbid a new node from being initialised if configuration file for the provided specification doesn't already exist [env: NYMNODE_DENY_INIT=]
          If this is a brand new nym-node, specify whether it should only be initialised without actually running the subprocesses [env: NYMNODE_INIT_ONLY=]
          Flag specifying this node will be running in a local setting [env: NYMNODE_LOCAL=]
      --mode <MODE>
          Specifies the current mode of this nym-node [env: NYMNODE_MODE=] [possible values: mixnode, entry-gateway, exit-gateway]
  -w, --write-changes
          If this node has been initialised before, specify whether to write any new changes to the config file [env: NYMNODE_WRITE_CONFIG_CHANGES=]
      --bonding-information-output <BONDING_INFORMATION_OUTPUT>
          Specify output file for bonding information of this nym-node, i.e. its encoded keys. NOTE: the required bonding information is still a subject to change and this argument should be treated only as a preview of future features [env: NYMNODE_BONDING_INFORMATION_OUTPUT=]
  -o, --output <OUTPUT>
          Specify the output format of the bonding information (`text` or `json`) [env: NYMNODE_OUTPUT=] [default: text] [possible values: text, json]
      --public-ips <PUBLIC_IPS>
          Comma separated list of public ip addresses that will be announced to the nym-api and subsequently to the clients. In nearly all circumstances, it's going to be identical to the address you're going to use for bonding [env: NYMNODE_PUBLIC_IPS=]
      --hostname <HOSTNAME>
          Optional hostname associated with this gateway that will be announced to the nym-api and subsequently to the clients [env: NYMNODE_HOSTNAME=]
      --location <LOCATION>
          Optional **physical** location of this node's server. Either full country name (e.g. 'Poland'), two-letter alpha2 (e.g. 'PL'), three-letter alpha3 (e.g. 'POL') or three-digit numeric-3 (e.g. '616') can be provided [env: NYMNODE_LOCATION=]
      --http-bind-address <HTTP_BIND_ADDRESS>
          Socket address this node will use for binding its http API. default: `` [env: NYMNODE_HTTP_BIND_ADDRESS=]
      --landing-page-assets-path <LANDING_PAGE_ASSETS_PATH>
          Path to assets directory of custom landing page of this node [env: NYMNODE_HTTP_LANDING_ASSETS=]
      --http-access-token <HTTP_ACCESS_TOKEN>
          An optional bearer token for accessing certain http endpoints. Currently only used for prometheus metrics [env: NYMNODE_HTTP_ACCESS_TOKEN=]
      --expose-system-info <EXPOSE_SYSTEM_INFO>
          Specify whether basic system information should be exposed. default: true [env: NYMNODE_HTTP_EXPOSE_SYSTEM_INFO=] [possible values: true, false]
      --expose-system-hardware <EXPOSE_SYSTEM_HARDWARE>
          Specify whether basic system hardware information should be exposed. default: true [env: NYMNODE_HTTP_EXPOSE_SYSTEM_HARDWARE=] [possible values: true, false]
      --expose-crypto-hardware <EXPOSE_CRYPTO_HARDWARE>
          Specify whether detailed system crypto hardware information should be exposed. default: true [env: NYMNODE_HTTP_EXPOSE_CRYPTO_HARDWARE=] [possible values: true, false]
      --mixnet-bind-address <MIXNET_BIND_ADDRESS>
          Address this node will bind to for listening for mixnet packets default: `` [env: NYMNODE_MIXNET_BIND_ADDRESS=]
      --nym-api-urls <NYM_API_URLS>
          Addresses to nym APIs from which the node gets the view of the network [env: NYMNODE_NYM_APIS=]
      --nyxd-urls <NYXD_URLS>
          Addresses to nyxd chain endpoint which the node will use for chain interactions [env: NYMNODE_NYXD=]
      --wireguard-enabled <WIREGUARD_ENABLED>
          Specifies whether the wireguard service is enabled on this node [env: NYMNODE_WG_ENABLED=] [possible values: true, false]
      --wireguard-bind-address <WIREGUARD_BIND_ADDRESS>
          Socket address this node will use for binding its wireguard interface. default: `` [env: NYMNODE_WG_BIND_ADDRESS=]
      --wireguard-private-ip <WIREGUARD_PRIVATE_IP>
          Private IP address of the wireguard gateway. default: `` [env: NYMNODE_WG_IP=]
      --wireguard-announced-port <WIREGUARD_ANNOUNCED_PORT>
          Port announced to external clients wishing to connect to the wireguard interface. Useful in the instances where the node is behind a proxy [env: NYMNODE_WG_ANNOUNCED_PORT=]
      --wireguard-private-network-prefix <WIREGUARD_PRIVATE_NETWORK_PREFIX>
          The prefix denoting the maximum number of the clients that can be connected via Wireguard. The maximum value for IPv4 is 32 and for IPv6 is 128 [env: NYMNODE_WG_PRIVATE_NETWORK_PREFIX=]
      --verloc-bind-address <VERLOC_BIND_ADDRESS>
          Socket address this node will use for binding its verloc API. default: `` [env: NYMNODE_VERLOC_BIND_ADDRESS=]
      --entry-bind-address <ENTRY_BIND_ADDRESS>
          Socket address this node will use for binding its client websocket API. default: `` [env: NYMNODE_ENTRY_BIND_ADDRESS=]
      --announce-ws-port <ANNOUNCE_WS_PORT>
          Custom announced port for listening for websocket client traffic. If unspecified, the value from the `bind_address` will be used instead [env: NYMNODE_ENTRY_ANNOUNCE_WS_PORT=]
      --announce-wss-port <ANNOUNCE_WSS_PORT>
          If applicable, announced port for listening for secure websocket client traffic [env: NYMNODE_ENTRY_ANNOUNCE_WSS_PORT=]
      --enforce-zk-nyms <ENFORCE_ZK_NYMS>
          Indicates whether this gateway is accepting only coconut credentials for accessing the mixnet or if it also accepts non-paying clients [env: NYMNODE_ENFORCE_ZK_NYMS=] [possible values: true, false]
      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Custom cosmos wallet mnemonic used for zk-nym redemption. If no value is provided, a fresh mnemonic is going to be generated [env: NYMNODE_MNEMONIC=]
      --upstream-exit-policy-url <UPSTREAM_EXIT_POLICY_URL>
          Specifies the url for an upstream source of the exit policy used by this node [env: NYMNODE_UPSTREAM_EXIT_POLICY=]
      --open-proxy <OPEN_PROXY>
          Specifies whether this exit node should run in 'open-proxy' mode and thus would attempt to resolve **ANY** request it receives [env: NYMNODE_OPEN_PROXY=] [possible values: true, false]
  -h, --help
          Print help


The Wireguard flags currently have limited functionality. This feature is under development and testing.

Keep Wireguard disabled for the time being!

Flags Summary

Some of the most useful flags and their explanation:

Flags explanation:

  • --id <YOUR_ID>: Local identifier of your node. This <ID> determines your config path located at ~/.nym/nym-nodes/<ID>/config/config.toml, default value is default-nym-node
  • --accept-operator-terms-and-conditions: Explicitly specify whether you agree with the terms and conditions of a nym node operator as defined at nymtech.net/terms-and-conditions/operators/v1.0.0
  • --config-file <PATH>: Used for the migrate command to indicate the location of the existing node config file. Default path is ~/.nym/nym-nodes/default-nym-node/config/config.toml
  • --deny-init: Use this flag to prevent a new node from being initialized. It’s recommended to use this after the first run to avoid accidental spinning up of a second node.
  • --init-only: Use this flag if you want to set up a node without starting it.
  • --mode: Determines the mode of the node and is always required.
  • --write-changes: Used to change values within the config.toml file after the node has been run.
  • --mnemonic: This is for when gateways are coconut-credentials-enforced, and this mnemonic is used as the double_spend prevention. This account needs credit in order for it to work.
  • --expose-system-info <true/false>: Sets your system info visibility on the network.
  • --expose-system-hardware <true/false>: Sets your system hardware info visibility on the network.
  • --expose-crypto-hardware <true/false>: Sets your crypto hardware info visibility on the network.

Terms & Conditions


From nym-node version 1.1.3 onward is required to accept Operators Terms & Conditions in order to be part of the active set. Make sure to read them before you add the flag.

There has been a long ongoing discussion whether and how to apply Terms and Conditions for Nym network operators, with an aim to stay aligned with the philosophy of Free Software and provide legal defense for both node operators and Nym developers. To understand better the reasoning behind this decision, you can listen to the first Nym Operator Town Hall introducing the T&Cs or to Operator AMA with CEO Harry Halpin from June 4th, 2024, explaining pros and cons of T&Cs implementation.

Accepting T&Cs is done via a flag --accept-operator-terms-and-conditions added explicitly to nym-node run command every time. If you use systemd automation, add the flag to your service file’s ExecStart line.

To check whether any node has T&Cs accepted or not can be done by querying Swagger API endpoint /auxiliary_details via one of these ports (depending on node setup):

# sustitude <NODE_IP_ADDRESS> or <NODE_DOMAIN> with a real one

Example of /auxiliary_details query

# substitude <NODE_IP_ADDRESS> with a real one
curl -X 'GET' \
  'http://<NODE_IP_ADDRESS>:8080/api/v1/auxiliary-details' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'

  "location": "Kurdistan",
  "accepted_operator_terms_and_conditions": true

Commands & Examples

nym-node introduces a default human readible ID (local only) default-nym-node, which is used if there is not an explicit custom --id <ID> specified. All configuration is stored in ~/.nym/nym-nodes/default-nym-node/config/config.toml or ~/.nym/nym-nodes/<ID>/config/config.toml respectively.


All commands with more options listed below include --accept-operator-terms-and-conditions flag, read Terms & Conditions chapter above before executing these commands.

Initialise & Run

When we use run command the node will do init as well, unless we specify with a flag --deny-init. Below are some examples of initialising and running nym-node with different modes (--mode) like mixnode, entry-gateway, exit-gateway.

Please keep in mind that currently you can run only one functionality (--mode) per a nym-node instance. We are yet to finalise implement the multi-functionality solution under one node bonded to one Nyx account. Every exit-gateway can function as entry-gateway by default, not vice versa.

We recommend operators to setup an automation flow for their nodes!

In such case, you can run a node to initalise it or try if everything works, but then stop the proces and paste your entire run command syntax (below) to the ExecStart line of your /etc/systemd/system/nym-node.service and start the node as a service.


To prevent over-flooding of our documentation we cannot provide with every single command syntax as there is a large combination of possibilities. Please use a common sense and the explanation in --help option.

Mode: exit-gateway

Initialise and run in one command:

# simple default
./nym-node  run  --mode exit-gateway

# with other options
./nym-node run --id <ID> --mode exit-gateway --public-ips "$(curl -4 https://ifconfig.me)" --hostname "<YOUR_DOMAIN>" --http-bind-address --mixnet-bind-address --location <COUNTRY_FULL_NAME> --accept-operator-terms-and-conditions --wireguard-enabled false

# <YOUR_DOMAIN> is in format without 'https://' prefix
# <COUNTRY_FULL_NAME> is format like 'Jamaica',  or two-letter alpha2 (e.g. 'JM'), three-letter alpha3 (e.g. 'JAM') or three-digit numeric-3 (e.g. '388') can be provided.
# keep wireguard disabled

Initialise only without running the node with --init-only command :

# simple default
./nym-node run --init-only --mode exit-gateway

# with a custom `--id` and other options
./nym-node run --id <ID> --init-only --mode exit-gateway --public-ips "$(curl -4 https://ifconfig.me)" --hostname "<YOUR_DOMAIN>" --http-bind-address --mixnet-bind-address --location <COUNTRY_FULL_NAME> --accept-operator-terms-and-conditions --wireguard-enabled false

# <YOUR_DOMAIN> is in format without 'https://' prefix
# <COUNTRY_FULL_NAME> is format like 'Jamaica',  or two-letter alpha2 (e.g. 'JM'), three-letter alpha3 (e.g. 'JAM') or three-digit numeric-3 (e.g. '388') can be provided.
# keep wireguard disabled

Run the node with custom --id without initialising, using --deny-init command

./nym-node run --id <ID> --deny-init --mode exit-gateway --accept-operator-terms-and-conditions

Mode: entry-gateway

Initialise and run:

./nym-node run --mode entry-gateway

Initialise only with a custom --id and --init-only command:

./nym-node run --id <ID> --init-only --mode entry-gateway --public-ips "$(curl -4 https://ifconfig.me)" --hostname "<YOUR_DOMAIN>" --http-bind-address --mixnet-bind-address --accept-operator-terms-and-conditions

Run the node with custom --id without initialising:

./nym-node run --id <ID> --deny-init --mode entry-gateway --accept-operator-terms-and-conditions

Mode: mixnode

Initialise and run:

./nym-node run --mode mixnode

Initialise only with a custom --id and --init-only command:

./nym-node run --id <ID> --init-only --mode mixnode --verloc-bind-address --public-ips "$(curl -4 https://ifconfig.me)" --accept-operator-terms-and-conditions

Run the node with custom --id without initialising:

./nym-node run --id <ID> --deny-init --mode mixnode --accept-operator-terms-and-conditions



Migration is a must for all deprecated nodes (nym-mixnode, nym-gateway). For backward compatibility we created an archive section with all the guides for individual binaries. However, the binaries from version 1.1.35 (nym-gateway) and 1.1.37 (nym-mixnode) onwards will no longer have init command.

Operators who are about to migrate their nodes need to configure their VPS and setup nym-node which can be downloaded as a pre-built binary or compiled from source.

To migrate a nym-mixnode or a nym-gateway to nym-node is fairly simple, use the migrate command with --config-file flag pointing to the original config.toml file, with a conditional argument defining which type of node this configuration belongs to. Examples are below.

Make sure to use --deny-init flag to prevent initialisation of a new node.

Mode: mixnode

# move relevant infor from config.toml
./nym-node migrate --config-file ~/.nym/mixnodes/<MIXNODE_ID>/config/config.toml mixnode

# initialise with the new nym-node config
./nym-node run --mode mixnode --id <NYM-NODE_ID> --accept-operator-terms-and-conditions

Mode: entry-gateway and exit-gateway

# move relevant infor from config.toml
./nym-node migrate --config-file ~/.nym/gateways/<GATEWAY_ID>/config/config.toml gateway

# initialise with the new nym-node config - entry-gateway
./nym-node run --mode entry-gateway --id <NYM-NODE_ID> --accept-operator-terms-and-conditions

# or as exit-gateway
./nym-node run --id <NYM-NODE_ID> --mode exit-gateway --public-ips "$(curl -4 https://ifconfig.me)" --hostname "<YOUR_DOMAIN>" --http-bind-address --mixnet-bind-address --location <COUNTRY_FULL_NAME> --accept-operator-terms-and-conditions --wireguard-enabled false

Next steps

If there are any problems checkout the troubleshooting section or report an issue.

Follow up with configuration page for automation, reversed proxy setup and other tweaks, then head straight to bonding page to finalise your setup.