NymVPN CLI Guide


To download NymVPN desktop version, visit nymvpn.com/en/download.

NymVPN is an experimental software and it’s for testing purposes only. Anyone can submit a registration to the private alpha round on nymvpn.com.


The core binaries consist of:

  • nym-vpn-cli: Basic commandline client for running the vpn. This runs in the foreground.

  • nym-vpnd: Daemon implementation of the vpn client that can run in the background and interacted with using nym-vpnc.

  • nym-vpnc: The commandline client used to interact with nym-vpnd.


Any syntax in <> brackets is a user’s/version unique variable. Exchange with a corresponding name without the <> brackets.

  1. Open Github releases page and download the CLI latest binary for your system (labelled as nym-vpn-core)

  2. Verify sha hash of your downloaded binary with the one listed on the releases page. You can use a simple shasum command and compare strings (ie with Python) or run in the same directory the following command, exchanging <SHA_STRING> with the one of your binary, like in the example:

echo "<SHA_STRING>" | shasum -a 256 -c

# choose a correct one according to your binary, this is just an example
# echo "0e4abb461e86b2c168577e0294112a3bacd3a24bf8565b49783bfebd9b530e23  nym-vpn-cli__ubuntu-22.04_amd64.tar.gz" | shasum -a 256 -c
  1. Extract files:
tar -xvf <BINARY>.tar.gz
# for example
# tar -xvf nym-vpn-cli__ubuntu-22.04_x86_64.tar.gz


If you are running Debian/Ubuntu/PopOS or any other distributio supporting debian packages and systemd, see the relevant section below.


Start the daemon with

sudo -E ./nym-vpnd

Then run

./nym-vpnc status
./nym-vpnc connect
./nym-vpnc disconnect


An alternative to the daemon is to run the nym-vpn-cli commandline client that runs in the foreground.

./nym-vpn-cli run


NymVPN uses zkNym bandwidth credentials. Those can be imported as a file or base58 encoded string.

sudo -E ./nym-vpn-cli import-credential --credential-path </PATH/TO/freepass.nym>
sudo -E ./nym-vpn-cli import-credential --credential-data "<STRING>"

Debian package for Debian/Ubuntu/PopOS

For linux platforms using deb packages and systemd, there are also debian packages.

sudo apt install ./nym-vpnd_-1_amd64.deb ./nym-vpnc_-1_amd64.deb

# In case of error please substitute the correct version

Installing the nym-vpnd deb package starts a nym-vpnd.service. Check that the daemon is running with

systemctl status nym-vpnd.service

and check its logs with

sudo journalctl -u nym-vpnd.service -f

To stop the background service

systemctl stop nym-vpnd.service

It will start again on startup, so disable with

systemctl disable nym-vpnd.service

Interact with it with nym-vpnc

nym-vpnc status
nym-vpnc connect
nym-vpnc disconnect

Commands & Options


Nym Exit Gateway functionality was implemented just recently and not all the Gateways are upgraded and ready to handle the VPN connections. If you want to make sure you are connecting to a Gateway with an embedded Network Requester, IP Packet Router and applied Nym exit policy, visit harbourmaster.nymtech.net and search Gateways with all the functionalities enabled.

The basic syntax of nym-vpn-cli is:

# choose only one conditional --argument listed in {brackets}
sudo ./nym-vpn-cli { --exit-router-address <EXIT_ROUTER_ADDRESS>|--exit-gateway-id <EXIT_GATEWAY_ID>|--exit-gateway-country <EXIT_GATEWAY_COUNTRY> }

To see all the possibilities run with --help flag:

./nym-vpn-cli --help

Console output

Usage: nym-vpn-cli [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  run                Run the client
  import-credential  Import credential
  help               Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>  Path pointing to an env file describing the network
      --data-path <DATA_PATH>              Path to the data directory of the mixnet client
  -h, --help                               Print help
  -V, --version                            Print version

Here is a list of the options and their descriptions. Some are essential, some are more technical and not needed to be adjusted by users.

Fundamental commands and arguments

  • --entry-gateway-id: paste one of the values labeled with a key "identityKey" (without " ")
  • --exit-gateway-id: paste one of the values labeled with a key "identityKey" (without " ")
  • --exit-router-address: paste one of the values labeled with a key "address" (without " ")
  • --enable-wireguard: Enable the wireguard traffic between the client and the entry gateway. NymVPN uses Mullvad libraries for wrapping wireguard-go and to setup local routing rules to route all traffic to the TUN virtual network device
  • --wg-ip: The address of the wireguard interface, you can get it here
  • --private-key: get your private key for testing purposes here
  • --enable-two-hop is a faster setup where the traffic is routed from the client to Entry Gateway and directly to Exit Gateway (default is 5-hops)

Advanced options

  • -c is a path to an enviroment config, like sandbox.env
  • --enable-poisson: Enables process rate limiting of outbound traffic (disabled by default). It means that NymVPN client will send packets at a steady stream to the Entry Gateway. By default it’s on average one sphinx packet per 20ms, but there is some randomness (poisson distribution). When there are no real data to fill the sphinx packets with, cover packets are generated instead.
  • --ip is the IP address of the TUN device. That is the IP address of the local private network that is set up between local client and the Exit Gateway.
  • --mtu: The MTU of the TUN device. That is the max IP packet size of the local private network that is set up between local client and the Exit Gateway.
  • --disable-routing: Disable routing all traffic through the VPN TUN device.

Testnet environment

If you want to run NymVPN CLI in Nym Sandbox environment, there are a few adjustments to be done:

  1. Create Sandbox environment config file by saving this as sandbox.env in the same directory as your NymVPN binaries:
curl -o sandbox.env -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nymtech/nym/develop/envs/sandbox.env
  1. Check available Gateways at nymvpn.com/en/alpha/api/gateways

  2. Run with a flag -c

sudo ./nym-vpn-cli -c <PATH_TO>/sandbox.env <--exit-router-address <EXIT_ROUTER_ADDRESS>|--exit-gateway-id <EXIT_GATEWAY_ID>|--exit-gateway-country <EXIT_GATEWAY_COUNTRY>>