
Prepare yourself for the next big thing in Web3 - privacy primitives

In the age of AI, privacy will become a scarce and highly valued resource. You can get ahead of the game by learning new, practical skills from some of the world's leading privacy researchers and engineers (from MIT, UCL, LSE) - and get rewarded for doing so!

Join Shipyard to learn about privacy, become a profitable node operator, a builder with a head start on Web3 privacy primitives or kick start your own squad/ DAO. This year, Nym Shipyard will be bigger. It will be harder. And it will be more rewarding. All levels of skill are welcome.

Key info

  • + 2m NYM token reward pool

  • + Registrations close Oct 6th 23:59 CET

  • + Kick start 9th of October 2023

  • + Runs for 6 weeks

What to expect

  • + Weekly masterclasses with core team and special guests including Chelsea Manning, Harry Halpin, Claudia Diaz and more…

  • + Specialised Builder, Operator and Visionary tracks

  • + Hands on workshops on the Nym app, wallet, token and privacy primitives

  • + Mentorship on starting your node business, setting up privacy squads, DAOs and more

  • + Quizzes, AMAs and bounties

  • + Graduate to Nymja stage and gain access to grants and delegations

Join the waitlist
Level 1: nymster

Level 1: nymster


9 - 23 October


Discord, Matrix

Reward pool

300k NYM tokens

The first two weeks will cover the state of digital privacy today and onboard you to Nym wallet, app and technology. What does a future where privacy is the default look like? Why is privacy a superpower in the age of AI? What is a mixnet, what can it do and how does it work with blockchain technology?


CEO Harry Halpin,

Chelsea Manning,

Jaya Klara Brekke,

Max Hampshire,

Ade Molajo.

Hosted by Sudo, Diane and Huxian.


Kenny Li


Evin McMullin


Alan Scott

Go Level 1
Level 2: nymja cadet

Level 2: nymja cadet


24 October - 5 November


Discord, Matrix

Reward pool

450k NYM tokens

The Cadet Academy will cover metadata surveillance and take you through a deep-dive into the token economics and network architecture of Nym and the Nyx blockchain. You will learn about zk-nyms and anonymous e-cash, and get a sneak preview of the upcoming Nym app.


Chief scientist Claudia Diaz,

Head of Research Ania Piotrowska,


Marc Debisset.

Hosted by Sudo and Huxian.

Go Level 2

Level 3: Nymja Specialised tracks

1m token reward pool

Go Level 3


For privacy-minded creatives working on novel ways to build Nym’s global community, lead the movement for privacy and develop new narratives for the private internet. This track will focus on use-cases, stories and memetics to make privacy more meaningful.


Mykola Siusko

- founder of

Web 3 Privacy


- founding member of

Pineaple Hive

Guest speakers and jury announced soon.



Become a top-notch Nym node operator and qualify as candidate for the delegations program. Learn the difference between a Nym node and a validator, hone your Nym token economics and operations.



- Nym Developer relations

Daniel Vazquez

- Nym Head of growth Latam


- Nym node set-up help

Guest speakers and jury announced soon.



For privacy-preserving app wizards, build on Nym using mixfetch, the Nym SDKs and create new tooling to help the infrastructure grow. Learn about the architecture from Nym Head of Engineering Mark Sinclair and get a preview on the technical roadmap.



- Nym Developer relations


- Nym head of developer relations

Guest speakers and jury announced soon.


Enrolment rewards

Total reward pool: 250k NYM

To unlock

  • Enrol in Shipyard

  • Bring your friends

  • Attend the Opening Ceremony

  • Take part in raffles

Rewards on level 1

"Best in class" (Discord) Reward pool: 300k NYM in guaranteed token rewards

To unlock

  • do the readings

  • attend the lectures

  • do your homework

  • ace the exam!

Rewards on level 2

"Best in class" (Discord) Reward pool: 450k NYM in guaranteed token rewards

To unlock

  • do the readings

  • attend the lectures

  • do your homework

  • ace the exam!

Level 3 Hackathon

Max reward pool: 1m NYM

Top graduating projects have the chance to receive:

  • Squad/DAO grants

  • Developer grants

  • Hackathon bounties

Plus: node operators will receive Nym Treasury delegations to boost their nodes into the active set, enabling profitability.


What are the requirements to join Nym Shipyard?

You will need a laptop, an average internet connection and the curiosity to learn! Most of Nym Shipyard will take place in English language but our community managers and core contributors will be translating most of the material. There will be study groups in multiple languages - and you can start your own! Participation is via Nym Discord or Matrix channels where lectures and exams will be announced.

Are the lectures live?

Yes, the lectures will be livestreamed on Youtube and Twitch. After the live lectures, these will be uploaded to the Nym Shipyard website for more private viewing as well as on the Nym youtube channel for you to view whenever you like.

How much time do I need to invest?

There will be 2x masterclasses and an AMA per week, followed by an exam at the end of level 1 and 2. There are about ten readings and key concepts introduced at each level.

You will have the chance to earn rewards for successfully completing each level, by climbing the leaderboard completing real live exams.

Participate as much or little as you like! The more effort you put in the higher your chances of being best in class and earning rewards. Time estimate is between 3-10 hrs per week.

How do I progress and earn rewards?

It's simple: attend lectures and masterclasses, read the blog posts and explainers, and test your knowledge about Nym and privacy!

At the end of each level, there will be an exam - ace it to progress to the next level and get guaranteed rewards from a 750K NYM dedicated prize pool. Be warned: you only get one shot at this, and the competition will be fierce!