Builder track

Level 3

For privacy-preserving app wizards to flex your skills, contribute to the ecosystem and earn rewards. Hackathon challenges:


Create tooling for users, operators, or developers of Nym. Example: Explore_Nym


Use mixFetch, SOCKS5, 4a, 4 or 5 or the Nym SDKs to integrate an existing app to run over the Nym mixnet.


Write an app, either using one of the SDKs or a standalone client (harder). Think of what you can ‘nymify’ e.g. a version of TorBirdy extension that uses Nym instead of Tor.

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Week 1

Welcome to the Builder Track!

Monday 6 Nov

3-4pm UTC

Introducing Nym Shipyard Level 3

  • with Sudo and Jaya Klara Brekke

Hardware Optimization for Cryptography-based Applications: Navigating ARM64, RISC-V, and AMD/Xilinx architectures

  • with Chelsea Manning

Tuesday 7 Nov

3-4pm UTC

How to build on Nym - introduction to Nym SDKs

  • With Max and Alexia

Wednesday 8 Nov

11am-1pm UTC

Open office hours with Devrel

    3-4pm UTC

    Building on Nym (NTV)

      Friday 10 Nov

      11am-1pm UTC

      Open office hours with Devrel



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