
nym-cli Binary Commands (Autogenerated)

These docs are autogenerated by the autodocs (opens in a new tab) script.

A client for interacting with Nym smart contracts and the Nyx blockchain
Usage: nym-cli [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
  account           Query and manage Nyx blockchain accounts
  signature         Sign and verify messages
  ecash             Ecash related stuff
  block             Query chain blocks
  cosmwasm          Manage and execute WASM smart contracts
  tx                Query for transactions
  vesting-schedule  Create and query for a vesting schedule
  mixnet            Manage your mixnet infrastructure, delegate stake or query the directory
  generate-fig      Generates shell completion
  help              Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Provide the mnemonic for your account. You can also provide this is an env var called MNEMONIC.
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Overrides configuration as a file of environment variables. Note: individual env vars take precedence over this file.
      --nyxd-url <NYXD_URL>
          Overrides the nyxd URL provided either as an environment variable NYXD_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --nym-api-url <NYM_API_URL>
          Overrides the validator API URL provided either as an environment variable API_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --mixnet-contract-address <MIXNET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the mixnet contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
      --vesting-contract-address <VESTING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the vesting contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
  -h, --help
          Print help


Query and manage Nyx blockchain accounts
Usage: nym-cli account [OPTIONS]
       nym-cli account <COMMAND>
  create         Create a new mnemonic - note, this account does not appear on the chain until the account id is used in a transaction
  balance        Gets the balance of an account
  pub-key        Gets the public key of an account
  send           Sends tokens to another account
  send-multiple  Batch multiple token sends
  help           Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Provide the mnemonic for your account. You can also provide this is an env var called MNEMONIC.
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Overrides configuration as a file of environment variables. Note: individual env vars take precedence over this file.
      --nyxd-url <NYXD_URL>
          Overrides the nyxd URL provided either as an environment variable NYXD_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --nym-api-url <NYM_API_URL>
          Overrides the validator API URL provided either as an environment variable API_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --mixnet-contract-address <MIXNET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the mixnet contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
      --vesting-contract-address <VESTING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the vesting contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
  -h, --help
          Print help

account create

Create a new mnemonic - note, this account does not appear on the chain until the account id is used in a transaction
Usage: nym-cli account create [OPTIONS]
      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Provide the mnemonic for your account. You can also provide this is an env var called MNEMONIC.
      --word-count <WORD_COUNT>
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Overrides configuration as a file of environment variables. Note: individual env vars take precedence over this file.
      --nyxd-url <NYXD_URL>
          Overrides the nyxd URL provided either as an environment variable NYXD_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --nym-api-url <NYM_API_URL>
          Overrides the validator API URL provided either as an environment variable API_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --mixnet-contract-address <MIXNET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the mixnet contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
      --vesting-contract-address <VESTING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the vesting contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
  -h, --help
          Print help

account balance

Gets the balance of an account
Usage: nym-cli account balance [OPTIONS] [ADDRESS]
  [ADDRESS]  The account address to get the balance for
      --denom <DENOM>
          Optional currency to show balance for
      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Provide the mnemonic for your account. You can also provide this is an env var called MNEMONIC.
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Overrides configuration as a file of environment variables. Note: individual env vars take precedence over this file.
          Optionally hide the denom
      --nyxd-url <NYXD_URL>
          Overrides the nyxd URL provided either as an environment variable NYXD_VALIDATOR or in a config file
          Show as a raw value
      --nym-api-url <NYM_API_URL>
          Overrides the validator API URL provided either as an environment variable API_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --mixnet-contract-address <MIXNET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the mixnet contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
      --vesting-contract-address <VESTING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the vesting contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
  -h, --help
          Print help

account pub-key

Gets the public key of an account
Usage: nym-cli account pub-key [OPTIONS] [ADDRESS]
  [ADDRESS]  Optionally, show the public key for this account address, otherwise generate the account address from the mnemonic
          If set, get the public key from the mnemonic, rather than querying for it
      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Provide the mnemonic for your account. You can also provide this is an env var called MNEMONIC.
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Overrides configuration as a file of environment variables. Note: individual env vars take precedence over this file.
      --nyxd-url <NYXD_URL>
          Overrides the nyxd URL provided either as an environment variable NYXD_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --nym-api-url <NYM_API_URL>
          Overrides the validator API URL provided either as an environment variable API_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --mixnet-contract-address <MIXNET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the mixnet contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
      --vesting-contract-address <VESTING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the vesting contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
  -h, --help
          Print help

account send

Sends tokens to another account
Usage: nym-cli account send [OPTIONS] <RECIPIENT> <AMOUNT>
  <RECIPIENT>  The recipient account address
  <AMOUNT>     Amount to transfer in micro denomination (e.g. unym or unyx)
      --denom <DENOM>
          Override the denomination
      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Provide the mnemonic for your account. You can also provide this is an env var called MNEMONIC.
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Overrides configuration as a file of environment variables. Note: individual env vars take precedence over this file.
      --memo <MEMO>
      --nyxd-url <NYXD_URL>
          Overrides the nyxd URL provided either as an environment variable NYXD_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --nym-api-url <NYM_API_URL>
          Overrides the validator API URL provided either as an environment variable API_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --mixnet-contract-address <MIXNET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the mixnet contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
      --vesting-contract-address <VESTING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the vesting contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
  -h, --help
          Print help

account send-multiple

Batch multiple token sends
Usage: nym-cli account send-multiple [OPTIONS] --input <INPUT>
      --memo <MEMO>
      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Provide the mnemonic for your account. You can also provide this is an env var called MNEMONIC.
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Overrides configuration as a file of environment variables. Note: individual env vars take precedence over this file.
      --input <INPUT>
          Input file path (CSV format) with account/amount pairs to send
      --nyxd-url <NYXD_URL>
          Overrides the nyxd URL provided either as an environment variable NYXD_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --output <OUTPUT>
          An output file path (CSV format) to create or append a log of results to
      --nym-api-url <NYM_API_URL>
          Overrides the validator API URL provided either as an environment variable API_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --mixnet-contract-address <MIXNET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the mixnet contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
      --vesting-contract-address <VESTING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the vesting contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
  -h, --help
          Print help


Sign and verify messages
Usage: nym-cli signature [OPTIONS]
       nym-cli signature <COMMAND>
  sign    Sign a message
  verify  Verify a message
  help    Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Provide the mnemonic for your account. You can also provide this is an env var called MNEMONIC.
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Overrides configuration as a file of environment variables. Note: individual env vars take precedence over this file.
      --nyxd-url <NYXD_URL>
          Overrides the nyxd URL provided either as an environment variable NYXD_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --nym-api-url <NYM_API_URL>
          Overrides the validator API URL provided either as an environment variable API_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --mixnet-contract-address <MIXNET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the mixnet contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
      --vesting-contract-address <VESTING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the vesting contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
  -h, --help
          Print help

signature sign

Sign a message
Usage: nym-cli signature sign [OPTIONS] <MESSAGE>
  <MESSAGE>  The message to sign
      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Provide the mnemonic for your account. You can also provide this is an env var called MNEMONIC.
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Overrides configuration as a file of environment variables. Note: individual env vars take precedence over this file.
      --nyxd-url <NYXD_URL>
          Overrides the nyxd URL provided either as an environment variable NYXD_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --nym-api-url <NYM_API_URL>
          Overrides the validator API URL provided either as an environment variable API_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --mixnet-contract-address <MIXNET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the mixnet contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
      --vesting-contract-address <VESTING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the vesting contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
  -h, --help
          Print help

signature verify

Verify a message
Usage: nym-cli signature verify [OPTIONS] <PUBLIC_KEY_OR_ADDRESS> <SIGNATURE_AS_HEX> <MESSAGE>
  <PUBLIC_KEY_OR_ADDRESS>  The public key of the account, or the account id to query for a public key (NOTE: the account must have signed a message stored on the chain for the public key record to exist)
  <SIGNATURE_AS_HEX>       The signature to verify as hex
  <MESSAGE>                The message to verify as a string
      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Provide the mnemonic for your account. You can also provide this is an env var called MNEMONIC.
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Overrides configuration as a file of environment variables. Note: individual env vars take precedence over this file.
      --nyxd-url <NYXD_URL>
          Overrides the nyxd URL provided either as an environment variable NYXD_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --nym-api-url <NYM_API_URL>
          Overrides the validator API URL provided either as an environment variable API_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --mixnet-contract-address <MIXNET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the mixnet contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
      --vesting-contract-address <VESTING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the vesting contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
  -h, --help
          Print help


Ecash related stuff
Usage: nym-cli ecash [OPTIONS]
       nym-cli ecash <COMMAND>
  help                               Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Provide the mnemonic for your account. You can also provide this is an env var called MNEMONIC.
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Overrides configuration as a file of environment variables. Note: individual env vars take precedence over this file.
      --nyxd-url <NYXD_URL>
          Overrides the nyxd URL provided either as an environment variable NYXD_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --nym-api-url <NYM_API_URL>
          Overrides the validator API URL provided either as an environment variable API_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --mixnet-contract-address <MIXNET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the mixnet contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
      --vesting-contract-address <VESTING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the vesting contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
  -h, --help
          Print help

ecash issue-ticket-book

Usage: nym-cli ecash issue-ticket-book [OPTIONS] <--client-config <CLIENT_CONFIG>|--output-file <OUTPUT_FILE>>
      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Provide the mnemonic for your account. You can also provide this is an env var called MNEMONIC.
      --ticketbook-type <TICKETBOOK_TYPE>
          Specify which type of ticketbook should be issued [default: v1-mixnet-entry]
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Overrides configuration as a file of environment variables. Note: individual env vars take precedence over this file.
      --client-config <CLIENT_CONFIG>
          Config file of the client that is supposed to use the credential
      --nyxd-url <NYXD_URL>
          Overrides the nyxd URL provided either as an environment variable NYXD_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --output-file <OUTPUT_FILE>
          Output file for the ticketbook
          Specifies whether the output file should use binary or bs58 encoded data
      --nym-api-url <NYM_API_URL>
          Overrides the validator API URL provided either as an environment variable API_VALIDATOR or in a config file
          Specifies whether the file output should contain expiration date signatures
      --mixnet-contract-address <MIXNET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the mixnet contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
          Specifies whether the file output should contain coin index signatures
      --vesting-contract-address <VESTING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the vesting contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
          Specifies whether the file output should contain master verification key
      --bs58-encoded-client-secret <BS58_ENCODED_CLIENT_SECRET>
          Secret value that's used for deriving underlying ecash keypair
  -h, --help
          Print help

ecash recover-ticket-book

Usage: nym-cli ecash recover-ticket-book [OPTIONS] --client-config <CLIENT_CONFIG>
      --client-config <CLIENT_CONFIG>
          Config file of the client that is supposed to use the credential
      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Provide the mnemonic for your account. You can also provide this is an env var called MNEMONIC.
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Overrides configuration as a file of environment variables. Note: individual env vars take precedence over this file.
      --nyxd-url <NYXD_URL>
          Overrides the nyxd URL provided either as an environment variable NYXD_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --nym-api-url <NYM_API_URL>
          Overrides the validator API URL provided either as an environment variable API_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --mixnet-contract-address <MIXNET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the mixnet contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
      --vesting-contract-address <VESTING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the vesting contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
  -h, --help
          Print help

ecash import-ticket-book

Usage: nym-cli ecash import-ticket-book [OPTIONS] --credentials-store <CREDENTIALS_STORE> <--credential-data <CREDENTIAL_DATA>|--credential-path <CREDENTIAL_PATH>> <--standalone|--full>
      --credentials-store <CREDENTIALS_STORE>
          Config file of the client that is supposed to use the credential
      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Provide the mnemonic for your account. You can also provide this is an env var called MNEMONIC.
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Overrides configuration as a file of environment variables. Note: individual env vars take precedence over this file.
      --credential-data <CREDENTIAL_DATA>
          Explicitly provide the encoded credential data (as base58)
      --credential-path <CREDENTIAL_PATH>
          Specifies the path to file containing binary credential data
      --nyxd-url <NYXD_URL>
          Overrides the nyxd URL provided either as an environment variable NYXD_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --nym-api-url <NYM_API_URL>
          Overrides the validator API URL provided either as an environment variable API_VALIDATOR or in a config file
          Specifies whether we're attempting to import a standalone ticketbook (i.e. serialised `IssuedTicketBook`)
          Specifies whether we're attempting to import full ticketboot (i.e. one that **might** contain required global signatures; that is serialised `ImportableTicketBook`)
      --mixnet-contract-address <MIXNET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the mixnet contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
      --vesting-contract-address <VESTING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the vesting contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
  -h, --help
          Print help


coconut generate-freepass

coconut issue-credentials

coconut recover-credentials

coconut import-credential


Query chain blocks
Usage: nym-cli block [OPTIONS]
       nym-cli block <COMMAND>
  get             Gets a block's details and prints as JSON
  time            Gets the block time at a height
  current-height  Gets the current block height
  help            Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Provide the mnemonic for your account. You can also provide this is an env var called MNEMONIC.
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Overrides configuration as a file of environment variables. Note: individual env vars take precedence over this file.
      --nyxd-url <NYXD_URL>
          Overrides the nyxd URL provided either as an environment variable NYXD_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --nym-api-url <NYM_API_URL>
          Overrides the validator API URL provided either as an environment variable API_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --mixnet-contract-address <MIXNET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the mixnet contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
      --vesting-contract-address <VESTING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the vesting contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
  -h, --help
          Print help

block get

Gets a block's details and prints as JSON
Usage: nym-cli block get [OPTIONS] <HEIGHT>
  <HEIGHT>  The block height
      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Provide the mnemonic for your account. You can also provide this is an env var called MNEMONIC.
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Overrides configuration as a file of environment variables. Note: individual env vars take precedence over this file.
      --nyxd-url <NYXD_URL>
          Overrides the nyxd URL provided either as an environment variable NYXD_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --nym-api-url <NYM_API_URL>
          Overrides the validator API URL provided either as an environment variable API_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --mixnet-contract-address <MIXNET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the mixnet contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
      --vesting-contract-address <VESTING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the vesting contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
  -h, --help
          Print help

block time

Gets the block time at a height
Usage: nym-cli block time [OPTIONS] <HEIGHT>
  <HEIGHT>  The block height
      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Provide the mnemonic for your account. You can also provide this is an env var called MNEMONIC.
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Overrides configuration as a file of environment variables. Note: individual env vars take precedence over this file.
      --nyxd-url <NYXD_URL>
          Overrides the nyxd URL provided either as an environment variable NYXD_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --nym-api-url <NYM_API_URL>
          Overrides the validator API URL provided either as an environment variable API_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --mixnet-contract-address <MIXNET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the mixnet contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
      --vesting-contract-address <VESTING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the vesting contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
  -h, --help
          Print help

block current-height

Gets the current block height
Usage: nym-cli block current-height [OPTIONS]
      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Provide the mnemonic for your account. You can also provide this is an env var called MNEMONIC.
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Overrides configuration as a file of environment variables. Note: individual env vars take precedence over this file.
      --nyxd-url <NYXD_URL>
          Overrides the nyxd URL provided either as an environment variable NYXD_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --nym-api-url <NYM_API_URL>
          Overrides the validator API URL provided either as an environment variable API_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --mixnet-contract-address <MIXNET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the mixnet contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
      --vesting-contract-address <VESTING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the vesting contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
  -h, --help
          Print help


Manage and execute WASM smart contracts
Usage: nym-cli cosmwasm [OPTIONS]
       nym-cli cosmwasm <COMMAND>
  upload                 Upload a smart contract WASM blob
  init                   Init a WASM smart contract
  generate-init-message  Generate an instantiate message
  migrate                Migrate a WASM smart contract
  execute                Execute a WASM smart contract method
  raw-contract-state     Obtain raw contract state of a cosmwasm smart contract
  help                   Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Provide the mnemonic for your account. You can also provide this is an env var called MNEMONIC.
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Overrides configuration as a file of environment variables. Note: individual env vars take precedence over this file.
      --nyxd-url <NYXD_URL>
          Overrides the nyxd URL provided either as an environment variable NYXD_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --nym-api-url <NYM_API_URL>
          Overrides the validator API URL provided either as an environment variable API_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --mixnet-contract-address <MIXNET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the mixnet contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
      --vesting-contract-address <VESTING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the vesting contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
  -h, --help
          Print help

cosmwasm upload

Upload a smart contract WASM blob
Usage: nym-cli cosmwasm upload [OPTIONS] --wasm-path <WASM_PATH>
      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Provide the mnemonic for your account. You can also provide this is an env var called MNEMONIC.
      --wasm-path <WASM_PATH>
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Overrides configuration as a file of environment variables. Note: individual env vars take precedence over this file.
      --memo <MEMO>
      --nyxd-url <NYXD_URL>
          Overrides the nyxd URL provided either as an environment variable NYXD_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --nym-api-url <NYM_API_URL>
          Overrides the validator API URL provided either as an environment variable API_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --mixnet-contract-address <MIXNET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the mixnet contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
      --vesting-contract-address <VESTING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the vesting contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
  -h, --help
          Print help

cosmwasm init

Init a WASM smart contract
Usage: nym-cli cosmwasm init [OPTIONS] --init-message <INIT_MESSAGE> <CODE_ID>
      --memo <MEMO>
      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Provide the mnemonic for your account. You can also provide this is an env var called MNEMONIC.
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Overrides configuration as a file of environment variables. Note: individual env vars take precedence over this file.
      --label <LABEL>
      --init-message <INIT_MESSAGE>
      --nyxd-url <NYXD_URL>
          Overrides the nyxd URL provided either as an environment variable NYXD_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --admin <ADMIN>
      --nym-api-url <NYM_API_URL>
          Overrides the validator API URL provided either as an environment variable API_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --funds <FUNDS>
          Amount to supply as funds in micro denomination (e.g. unym or unyx)
      --mixnet-contract-address <MIXNET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the mixnet contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
      --funds-denom <FUNDS_DENOM>
          Set the denomination for the funds
      --vesting-contract-address <VESTING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the vesting contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
  -h, --help
          Print help

cosmwasm generate-init-message

Generate an instantiate message
Usage: nym-cli cosmwasm generate-init-message [OPTIONS]
       nym-cli cosmwasm generate-init-message <COMMAND>
  help             Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Provide the mnemonic for your account. You can also provide this is an env var called MNEMONIC.
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Overrides configuration as a file of environment variables. Note: individual env vars take precedence over this file.
      --nyxd-url <NYXD_URL>
          Overrides the nyxd URL provided either as an environment variable NYXD_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --nym-api-url <NYM_API_URL>
          Overrides the validator API URL provided either as an environment variable API_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --mixnet-contract-address <MIXNET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the mixnet contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
      --vesting-contract-address <VESTING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the vesting contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
  -h, --help
          Print help

cosmwasm migrate

Migrate a WASM smart contract
Usage: nym-cli cosmwasm migrate [OPTIONS] --code-id <CODE_ID> <CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
      --code-id <CODE_ID>
      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Provide the mnemonic for your account. You can also provide this is an env var called MNEMONIC.
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Overrides configuration as a file of environment variables. Note: individual env vars take precedence over this file.
      --memo <MEMO>
      --init-message <INIT_MESSAGE>
      --nyxd-url <NYXD_URL>
          Overrides the nyxd URL provided either as an environment variable NYXD_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --nym-api-url <NYM_API_URL>
          Overrides the validator API URL provided either as an environment variable API_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --mixnet-contract-address <MIXNET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the mixnet contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
      --vesting-contract-address <VESTING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the vesting contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
  -h, --help
          Print help

cosmwasm execute

Execute a WASM smart contract method
Usage: nym-cli cosmwasm execute [OPTIONS] <CONTRACT_ADDRESS> <JSON_ARGS> [FUNDS]
  <CONTRACT_ADDRESS>  The address of contract to execute
  <JSON_ARGS>         JSON encoded method arguments
  [FUNDS]             Amount to supply as funds in micro denomination (e.g. unym or unyx)
      --memo <MEMO>
      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Provide the mnemonic for your account. You can also provide this is an env var called MNEMONIC.
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Overrides configuration as a file of environment variables. Note: individual env vars take precedence over this file.
      --funds-denom <FUNDS_DENOM>
          Set the denomination for the funds
      --nyxd-url <NYXD_URL>
          Overrides the nyxd URL provided either as an environment variable NYXD_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --nym-api-url <NYM_API_URL>
          Overrides the validator API URL provided either as an environment variable API_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --mixnet-contract-address <MIXNET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the mixnet contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
      --vesting-contract-address <VESTING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the vesting contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
  -h, --help
          Print help


Query for transactions
Usage: nym-cli tx [OPTIONS]
       nym-cli tx <COMMAND>
  get    Get a transaction by hash or block height
  query  Query for transactions
  help   Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Provide the mnemonic for your account. You can also provide this is an env var called MNEMONIC.
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Overrides configuration as a file of environment variables. Note: individual env vars take precedence over this file.
      --nyxd-url <NYXD_URL>
          Overrides the nyxd URL provided either as an environment variable NYXD_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --nym-api-url <NYM_API_URL>
          Overrides the validator API URL provided either as an environment variable API_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --mixnet-contract-address <MIXNET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the mixnet contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
      --vesting-contract-address <VESTING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the vesting contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
  -h, --help
          Print help

tx get

Get a transaction by hash or block height
Usage: nym-cli tx get [OPTIONS] <TX_HASH>
  <TX_HASH>  The transaction hash
      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Provide the mnemonic for your account. You can also provide this is an env var called MNEMONIC.
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Overrides configuration as a file of environment variables. Note: individual env vars take precedence over this file.
      --nyxd-url <NYXD_URL>
          Overrides the nyxd URL provided either as an environment variable NYXD_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --nym-api-url <NYM_API_URL>
          Overrides the validator API URL provided either as an environment variable API_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --mixnet-contract-address <MIXNET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the mixnet contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
      --vesting-contract-address <VESTING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the vesting contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
  -h, --help
          Print help

tx query

Query for transactions
Usage: nym-cli tx query [OPTIONS] <QUERY>
  <QUERY>  The query to execute
      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Provide the mnemonic for your account. You can also provide this is an env var called MNEMONIC.
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Overrides configuration as a file of environment variables. Note: individual env vars take precedence over this file.
      --nyxd-url <NYXD_URL>
          Overrides the nyxd URL provided either as an environment variable NYXD_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --nym-api-url <NYM_API_URL>
          Overrides the validator API URL provided either as an environment variable API_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --mixnet-contract-address <MIXNET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the mixnet contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
      --vesting-contract-address <VESTING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the vesting contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
  -h, --help
          Print help


Create and query for a vesting schedule
Usage: nym-cli vesting-schedule [OPTIONS]
       nym-cli vesting-schedule <COMMAND>
  create           Creates a vesting schedule
  query            Query for vesting schedule
  vested-balance   Get the amount that has vested and is free for withdrawal, delegation or bonding
  withdraw-vested  Withdraw vested tokens (note: the available amount excludes anything delegated or bonded before or after vesting)
  help             Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Provide the mnemonic for your account. You can also provide this is an env var called MNEMONIC.
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Overrides configuration as a file of environment variables. Note: individual env vars take precedence over this file.
      --nyxd-url <NYXD_URL>
          Overrides the nyxd URL provided either as an environment variable NYXD_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --nym-api-url <NYM_API_URL>
          Overrides the validator API URL provided either as an environment variable API_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --mixnet-contract-address <MIXNET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the mixnet contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
      --vesting-contract-address <VESTING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the vesting contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
  -h, --help
          Print help

vesting-schedule create

Creates a vesting schedule
Usage: nym-cli vesting-schedule create [OPTIONS] --address <ADDRESS> --amount <AMOUNT>
      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Provide the mnemonic for your account. You can also provide this is an env var called MNEMONIC.
      --periods-seconds <PERIODS_SECONDS>
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Overrides configuration as a file of environment variables. Note: individual env vars take precedence over this file.
      --number-of-periods <NUMBER_OF_PERIODS>
      --nyxd-url <NYXD_URL>
          Overrides the nyxd URL provided either as an environment variable NYXD_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --start-time <START_TIME>
      --address <ADDRESS>
      --nym-api-url <NYM_API_URL>
          Overrides the validator API URL provided either as an environment variable API_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --amount <AMOUNT>
      --mixnet-contract-address <MIXNET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the mixnet contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
      --staking-address <STAKING_ADDRESS>
      --vesting-contract-address <VESTING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the vesting contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
      --pledge-cap <PLEDGE_CAP>
          Pledge cap as either absolute uNYM value or percentage, floats need to be in the 0.0 to 1.0 range and will be parsed as percentages, integers will be parsed as uNYM
  -h, --help
          Print help

vesting-schedule query

Query for vesting schedule
Usage: nym-cli vesting-schedule query [OPTIONS] [ADDRESS]
  [ADDRESS]  Optionally, the account address to get the balance for
      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Provide the mnemonic for your account. You can also provide this is an env var called MNEMONIC.
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Overrides configuration as a file of environment variables. Note: individual env vars take precedence over this file.
      --nyxd-url <NYXD_URL>
          Overrides the nyxd URL provided either as an environment variable NYXD_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --nym-api-url <NYM_API_URL>
          Overrides the validator API URL provided either as an environment variable API_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --mixnet-contract-address <MIXNET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the mixnet contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
      --vesting-contract-address <VESTING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the vesting contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
  -h, --help
          Print help

vesting-schedule vested-balance

Get the amount that has vested and is free for withdrawal, delegation or bonding
Usage: nym-cli vesting-schedule vested-balance [OPTIONS] [ADDRESS]
  [ADDRESS]  Optionally, the account address to get the balance for
      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Provide the mnemonic for your account. You can also provide this is an env var called MNEMONIC.
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Overrides configuration as a file of environment variables. Note: individual env vars take precedence over this file.
      --nyxd-url <NYXD_URL>
          Overrides the nyxd URL provided either as an environment variable NYXD_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --nym-api-url <NYM_API_URL>
          Overrides the validator API URL provided either as an environment variable API_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --mixnet-contract-address <MIXNET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the mixnet contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
      --vesting-contract-address <VESTING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the vesting contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
  -h, --help
          Print help

vesting-schedule withdraw-vested

Withdraw vested tokens (note: the available amount excludes anything delegated or bonded before or after vesting)
Usage: nym-cli vesting-schedule withdraw-vested [OPTIONS] <AMOUNT>
  <AMOUNT>  Amount to transfer in micro denomination (e.g. unym or unyx)
      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Provide the mnemonic for your account. You can also provide this is an env var called MNEMONIC.
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Overrides configuration as a file of environment variables. Note: individual env vars take precedence over this file.
      --nyxd-url <NYXD_URL>
          Overrides the nyxd URL provided either as an environment variable NYXD_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --nym-api-url <NYM_API_URL>
          Overrides the validator API URL provided either as an environment variable API_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --mixnet-contract-address <MIXNET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the mixnet contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
      --vesting-contract-address <VESTING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the vesting contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
  -h, --help
          Print help


Manage your mixnet infrastructure, delegate stake or query the directory
Usage: nym-cli mixnet [OPTIONS]
       nym-cli mixnet <COMMAND>
  query       Query the mixnet directory
  delegators  Manage your delegations
  operators   Manage a mixnode or gateway you operate
  help        Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Provide the mnemonic for your account. You can also provide this is an env var called MNEMONIC.
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Overrides configuration as a file of environment variables. Note: individual env vars take precedence over this file.
      --nyxd-url <NYXD_URL>
          Overrides the nyxd URL provided either as an environment variable NYXD_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --nym-api-url <NYM_API_URL>
          Overrides the validator API URL provided either as an environment variable API_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --mixnet-contract-address <MIXNET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the mixnet contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
      --vesting-contract-address <VESTING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the vesting contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
  -h, --help
          Print help

mixnet query

Query the mixnet directory
Usage: nym-cli mixnet query [OPTIONS]
       nym-cli mixnet query <COMMAND>
  mixnodes  Query mixnodes
  gateways  Query gateways
  help      Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Provide the mnemonic for your account. You can also provide this is an env var called MNEMONIC.
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Overrides configuration as a file of environment variables. Note: individual env vars take precedence over this file.
      --nyxd-url <NYXD_URL>
          Overrides the nyxd URL provided either as an environment variable NYXD_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --nym-api-url <NYM_API_URL>
          Overrides the validator API URL provided either as an environment variable API_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --mixnet-contract-address <MIXNET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the mixnet contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
      --vesting-contract-address <VESTING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the vesting contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
  -h, --help
          Print help

mixnet delegators

Manage your delegations
Usage: nym-cli mixnet delegators [OPTIONS]
       nym-cli mixnet delegators <COMMAND>
  list                       Lists current delegations
  rewards                    Manage rewards from delegations
  delegate                   Delegate to a mixnode
  delegate-multi             Perform bulk delegations from an input file
  undelegate                 Undelegate from a mixnode
  delegate-vesting           Delegate to a mixnode with locked tokens
  undelegate-vesting         Undelegate from a mixnode (when originally using locked tokens)
  migrate-vested-delegation  Migrate the delegation to use liquid tokens
  help                       Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Provide the mnemonic for your account. You can also provide this is an env var called MNEMONIC.
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Overrides configuration as a file of environment variables. Note: individual env vars take precedence over this file.
      --nyxd-url <NYXD_URL>
          Overrides the nyxd URL provided either as an environment variable NYXD_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --nym-api-url <NYM_API_URL>
          Overrides the validator API URL provided either as an environment variable API_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --mixnet-contract-address <MIXNET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the mixnet contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
      --vesting-contract-address <VESTING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the vesting contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
  -h, --help
          Print help

mixnet operators

Manage a mixnode or gateway you operate
Usage: nym-cli mixnet operators [OPTIONS]
       nym-cli mixnet operators <COMMAND>
  nymnode       Manage your Nym Node
  mixnode       Manage your legacy mixnode
  gateway       Manage your legacy gateway
  identity-key  Sign messages using your private identity key
  help          Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Provide the mnemonic for your account. You can also provide this is an env var called MNEMONIC.
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Overrides configuration as a file of environment variables. Note: individual env vars take precedence over this file.
      --nyxd-url <NYXD_URL>
          Overrides the nyxd URL provided either as an environment variable NYXD_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --nym-api-url <NYM_API_URL>
          Overrides the validator API URL provided either as an environment variable API_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --mixnet-contract-address <MIXNET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the mixnet contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
      --vesting-contract-address <VESTING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the vesting contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
  -h, --help
          Print help


Generates shell completion
Usage: nym-cli generate-fig [OPTIONS]
      --mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
          Provide the mnemonic for your account. You can also provide this is an env var called MNEMONIC.
  -c, --config-env-file <CONFIG_ENV_FILE>
          Overrides configuration as a file of environment variables. Note: individual env vars take precedence over this file.
      --nyxd-url <NYXD_URL>
          Overrides the nyxd URL provided either as an environment variable NYXD_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --nym-api-url <NYM_API_URL>
          Overrides the validator API URL provided either as an environment variable API_VALIDATOR or in a config file
      --mixnet-contract-address <MIXNET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the mixnet contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
      --vesting-contract-address <VESTING_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
          Overrides the vesting contract address provided either as an environment variable or in a config file
  -h, --help
          Print help
