Manually Handle Storage

Manually Handle Storage

If you're integrating mixnet functionality into an existing app and want to integrate saving client configs and keys into your existing storage logic, you can manually perform these actions.

You can find this code here (opens in a new tab)

use nym_sdk::mixnet::{
    self, ActiveGateway, BadGateway, ClientKeys, EmptyReplyStorage, EphemeralCredentialStorage,
    GatewayRegistration, GatewaysDetailsStore, KeyStore, MixnetClientStorage, MixnetMessageSender,
use nym_topology::provider_trait::async_trait;
async fn main() {
    // Just some plain data to pretend we have some external storage that the application
    // implementer is using.
    let mock_storage = MockClientStorage::empty();
    let mut client = mixnet::MixnetClientBuilder::new_with_storage(mock_storage)
    // Be able to get our client address
    let our_address = client.nym_address();
    println!("Our client nym address is: {our_address}");
    // Send important info up the pipe to a buddy
        .send_plain_message(*our_address, "hello there")
    println!("Waiting for message");
    if let Some(received) = client.wait_for_messages().await {
        for r in received {
            println!("Received: {}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&r.message));
struct MockClientStorage {
    pub key_store: MockKeyStore,
    pub gateway_details_store: MockGatewayDetailsStore,
    pub reply_store: EmptyReplyStorage,
    pub credential_store: EphemeralCredentialStorage,
impl MockClientStorage {
    fn empty() -> Self {
        Self {
            key_store: MockKeyStore,
            gateway_details_store: MockGatewayDetailsStore,
            reply_store: EmptyReplyStorage::default(),
            credential_store: EphemeralCredentialStorage::default(),
impl MixnetClientStorage for MockClientStorage {
    type KeyStore = MockKeyStore;
    type ReplyStore = EmptyReplyStorage;
    type CredentialStore = EphemeralCredentialStorage;
    type GatewaysDetailsStore = MockGatewayDetailsStore;
    fn into_runtime_stores(self) -> (Self::ReplyStore, Self::CredentialStore) {
        (self.reply_store, self.credential_store)
    fn key_store(&self) -> &Self::KeyStore {
    fn reply_store(&self) -> &Self::ReplyStore {
    fn credential_store(&self) -> &Self::CredentialStore {
    fn gateway_details_store(&self) -> &Self::GatewaysDetailsStore {
struct MockKeyStore;
impl KeyStore for MockKeyStore {
    type StorageError = MyError;
    async fn load_keys(&self) -> Result<ClientKeys, Self::StorageError> {
        println!("loading stored keys");
    async fn store_keys(&self, _keys: &ClientKeys) -> Result<(), Self::StorageError> {
        println!("storing keys");
struct MockGatewayDetailsStore;
impl GatewaysDetailsStore for MockGatewayDetailsStore {
    type StorageError = MyError;
    async fn active_gateway(&self) -> Result<ActiveGateway, Self::StorageError> {
        println!("getting active gateway");
    async fn set_active_gateway(&self, _gateway_id: &str) -> Result<(), Self::StorageError> {
        println!("setting active gateway");
    async fn all_gateways(&self) -> Result<Vec<GatewayRegistration>, Self::StorageError> {
        println!("getting all registered gateways");
    async fn has_gateway_details(&self, _gateway_id: &str) -> Result<bool, Self::StorageError> {
        println!("checking for gateway details");
    async fn load_gateway_details(
        _gateway_id: &str,
    ) -> Result<GatewayRegistration, Self::StorageError> {
        println!("loading gateway details");
    async fn store_gateway_details(
        _details: &GatewayRegistration,
    ) -> Result<(), Self::StorageError> {
        println!("storing gateway details");
    async fn remove_gateway_details(&self, _gateway_id: &str) -> Result<(), Self::StorageError> {
        println!("removing gateway details");
// struct MockReplyStore;
// #[async_trait]
// impl ReplyStorageBackend for MockReplyStore {
//     type StorageError = MyError;
//     async fn flush_surb_storage(
//         &mut self,
//         _storage: &CombinedReplyStorage,
//     ) -> Result<(), Self::StorageError> {
//         todo!()
//     }
//     async fn init_fresh(&mut self, _fresh: &CombinedReplyStorage) -> Result<(), Self::StorageError> {
//         todo!()
//     }
//     async fn load_surb_storage(&self) -> Result<CombinedReplyStorage, Self::StorageError> {
//         todo!()
//     }
// }
// struct MockCredentialStore;
// #[async_trait]
// impl CredentialStorage for MockCredentialStore {
//     type StorageError = MyError;
//     async fn insert_coconut_credential(
//         &self,
//         _voucher_value: String,
//         _voucher_info: String,
//         _serial_number: String,
//        _binding_number: String,
//         _signature: String,
//         _epoch_id: String,
//     ) -> Result<(), Self::StorageError> {
//         todo!()
//     }
//     async fn get_next_coconut_credential(&self) -> Result<CoconutCredential, Self::StorageError> {
//         todo!()
//     }
//     async fn consume_coconut_credential(&self, id: i64) -> Result<(), Self::StorageError> {
//         todo!()
//     }
// }
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
struct MyError;
impl From<BadGateway> for MyError {
    fn from(_: BadGateway) -> Self {