Release Cycle

Release Cycle

Nym operator community is growing in quality and quantity. With node operators and developers joining the effort to make the Mixnet more robust and scalable, testing new features, sharing integration pull requests and generally taking an active part in Nym development, more transparency on the release cycle is required.

The core team therefore established a flow with different environments:

  • local: Developers use their local environments for feature building
  • canary: Nym internal testing environment managed by Qualtiy Assurance team (QA)
  • sandbox: Public testnet, including testnet NYM token available in the faucet
  • mainnet: Nym Mixnet - the production version of Nym network

Release Flow

Frequency of releases to mainnet is aimed to be every ~14 days. This time window is an optimal compromise between periodicity and quality assurance/testing, key factors playing an essential role in development.

development worklocal/canaryfeature branchesdevs
cut and test releasecanaryrelease branchQA
bug fixingcanarydirectly on release branchQA & devs
put release on sandboxsandboxrelease -> master/developQA
promote release to mainnet after 3-5 daysmainnetmasterQA
                   ▲                          ▲
                   │                          │
                   │  merge back into develop │
      MAINNET      ├─────────────────────────►│
      easy         │                          │
      autopromotion│                          │
      ▲            │                          │
      │            │                          │
      │            │                          │◄───────────────────────────────┐
      │            │                          │                                │
      └───release  │                          │                                │
          to       x◄───────────────┐         │                                │
          sandbox  ▲                │         │◄────────────────────────┐      │
                   │   ┌────────────►         │                         │      │
                   │   │            │         │                         │      │
                   │   │ bug        │         │                         │      │
                   │   │ fix        │         │◄─────────────────┐      │      │
                   │   │            │         │                  │      │      │
                   │   │            │         │ M                │      │      │
                   │   └────────────┤         │ I                │      │      │
                   │                │         │ L                │      │      │
                   │                └─────────x E                │      │      │
                   │                  release ▲ S                │      │      │
       ^           │                  cut     │ T                │      │      │
       :           │                  ---     │ O                │      │      │
       :           │                  fixed   │ N                │      │      │
       :           │                  release │ E                │      │      │
       :           │                  every   │     feature-bob3 │      │      │
       :           │                  14 days ├──────────────────┘      │      │
       :           │                          │                         │      │
       :           │                          │                         │      │
       :           │                          │     feature-bob2        │      │
       :           │                          ├─────────────────────────┘      │
       :           │                          │                                │
       :           │                          │                                │
       :           │                          │     feature-bob1               │
       :           │                          ├────────────────────────────────┘
       :           │                          │
       :           │                          │
       :t          │                          │
       :i          │                          │
       :m          │                          │
       :e          │                          │

                master                     develop             feature branches

│mainnet  │sandbox │ QA / canary              │ development                     │
│         │        │                          │                                 │

Changes & Collaboration

To track changes easily, builders and operators can visit one of the following:

In case you want to propose changes or resolve some of the existing issues (opens in a new tab), start here (opens in a new tab). If you want to add content to the Operators Guide, visit this page.


Feature tickets need explicit (while concise) wording because that title is eventually added to the changelog. Keep in mind that bad ticket naming results in bad changelog.

If you want to run in the testing environment, follow our Sandbox testnet guide.